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Relational Therapy in California
Vanessa Setteducato, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #119184
THF Therapy

Virtual therapy for adults seeking a life of intimacy, meaning, and purpose
Psychotherapy can support you if you're struggling to find a sense of fulfillment in work, creative expression, and your relationships. In this warm and empathic experience, you can expect:
Compassionate space to process
Guidance in your self-exploration
Tools to learn about yourself more deeply

Therapy for high-achieving millennials who feel dissatisfied and disconnected
You're feeling overwhelmed and under-fulfilled; an expert at putting others first but can't quite return the favor to yourself. People-pleaser, perfectionist, late-bloomer, "imposter" -- you're burned out and in need of some levity, release, and connection.
You're not broken or "doing it wrong," you just need compassionate support
The basics of emotion-regulation, communication, and relationship-tending aren't built in to the foundations of our education. That you're feeling stuck now indicates the need for new resources, not a failure on your part. Explore and learn in a safe 1:1 space.

"Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
Rainer Maria Rilke
Therapy for adult individuals in California
Video sessions from the comfort of your own home.
Collaborative therapy for growth and expression
Relational Therapy
Relational therapy invites spontaneity, curiosity, and self-reflection to emerge in a relationship that is compassionate, imaginative, curious, and contained by the skills of your therapist.
Born from a therapy model concerned with the root of psychological suffering rather than just the behaviors that grow from it, a relational approach to healing centers the human need to be seen, heard, and understood.
To be deeply seen by another human being can awaken your sense of courage. Cultivating security in relationship makes it safe to challenge assumptions you have about yourself, strengthen awareness of your inner experiences, improve your morale and well-being, and help you find meaning in life's experiences.
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